for Pornographers
Lib Dims for Pornographers
As a champion of the under dog, we have a particularly soft spot for Pornographers.
These much maligned persons have faced frankly indecent attack on their relentless quest to uphold our sexual freedoms for years.
That’s why we’ve been committed to supporting them for decades.
Lib Dims for Extreme Violent Porn
In particular, we fundamentally oppose all attempts to end extreme violent porn. After all this now accounts for 90% of all porn. Or more. How can we possibly ban it – it would be the end to sexual expression! Think about the impact on our human rights .. on our economy! Besides it’s all consensual – the women sign consent forms and everything. And we’re only talking about hitting, chocking, gagging, asphyxiation, hair dragging, spitting and verbal abuse. It’s only ‘S and M’, just without the ‘safe words’.
And of course, it’s the height of patronisation to suggest that consenting adult males who freely and within their human rights choose to watch such entertainment do not know the difference between fantasy and fiction. 25% of the female population may be in domesticly violent relationships or undergoing sex abuse but what’s that got to do with anything? Proove it!
Any attempt to try to end such material is a gross violation of porn users human rights and of course just the beginning of the slippery slope. What’s next you may well ask? Making it adult only?!